Kubizone Operator

The Kubizone Operator owns Zones and Records, determines zone and record associations automatically, and recomputes zone hashes and serials when necessary.

Monitoring of Zones and Records are independent processes, as described below.

Both Zones and Records across the entire cluster are monitored for changes.


Whenever a Zone resource change is detected, the following process occurs:

  1. Populate the zone's .status.fqdn.

    If the Zone has a fully qualified domainName, this field is copied directly.

    If not, the zone's parent is retrieved by following its zoneRef after which the .status.fqdn is populated by concatenating the domainName of the child zone with the .status.fqdn of the parent. If the parent zone's .status.fqdn is not populated, the operator will stop and requeue the update, on the assumption that it will be populated eventually.

    In the case of a sub-zone, a kubi.zone/parent-zone label is added to the zone resource as well, referencing the specific parent zone.

  2. Fetch all child Records and compile the zone entries into a list.

  3. Find all sub-zones of this one (if any), and then:

    • Copy all NS records pointing to the sub-zone itself into this list.
    • Copy all A and AAAA records of the sub-zone, which relate to the above NS records.
  4. Compute a hash based on the above entries.

  5. If the above hash has changed from the previously known value, increment the serial

  6. Insert an SOA record based on the Zone's .spec and insert it at the top of the entries list.

  7. Patch the Zone with the updated entries, hash and serial field.


Whenever a change to a Record resource is detected, the following process occurs:

  1. Populate the record's .status.fqdn.

    If the Record has a fully qualified domainName, this field is copied directly.

    Otherwise, the record's parent is retrieved by following its zoneRef after which the .status.fqdn is populated by concatenating the domainName of the record with the .status.fqdn of the parent zone.

  2. Parent zone is deduced.

    • If the record does have a zoneRef, then the parent zone is found by looking up the zoneRef and validating that the zone's delegations allow adoption of this record.

    • If the record does not have a zoneRef, the parent is deduced by iterating over all zones and checking if any of them match the fully qualified domainName of the record and allow delegation to the record.

      The parent zone with the longest .status.fqdn is chosen.

      This means that a record with a fully qualified domain name like www.subdomain.example.org. will be adopted by a zone with a .status.fqdn of subdomain.example.org. before a zone whose .status.fqdn is example.org., assuming both zones have delegation rules allowing the adoption.

    If successfully deduced, a kubi.zone/parent-zone label is added to the record resource, referencing the parent zone.


In both cases, setting the kubi.zone/parent-zone label on a Record or Zone signifies association with the parent zone and will automatically trigger reconciliation of said parent, which in turn will cause the hash, serial and entries fields of the zone to be recomputed.