
A Zone represents a logical grouping of DNSRecords and sub-zones.

The latest version of the Zone's Custom Resource Definition can be found here

What is a Zone?

In DNS terms, a Zone defines a subset of the DNS namespace.

Zones can either be defined as "standalone", or sub-zones of other Zone resources within the cluster.


A zone can either represent a standalone domain with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as in this example:

kind: Zone
  name: example-org
  # Fully qualified domain name (notice the trailing dot.)
  - zones: [""]
    # If you want to delegate sub-zones or records
    # to specific namespaces, you can specify a namespace
    # field like below. By default, delegations implicitly
    # allow delegation to any namespace.
    # namespace: subdomain-namespace

Or be a sub-zone of another parent Zone using a zoneRef:

kind: Zone
  name: subdomain-example-org
  # This is a sub-zone of the example-org zone as defined below
  # by the zoneRef, and therefore ust not be a fully qualified
  # domain name (no trailing dot).
  domainName: subdomain
    # Name refers to the of the zone we created above.
    name: example-org
    # namespace: other-namespace
  - records:
    # In this case we don't necessarily know what the example-org zone's
    # fully qualified domain name is, it could change to `` tomorrow
    # using the @-symbol here means match whatever *our* Zone's FQDN is,
    # taking into account the FQDN of our parent, and their parents, and so on.
    - pattern: "*.@"
      # Optionally specify which types of records are allowed to be delegated
      # types: ["A", "CNAME"]
  # Delegate to the dev namespace
  - namespace: dev
    - "dev.@"
  # Delegate to the staging namespace
  - namespace: staging
    - "staging.@"

Or you can use a fully qualified domain name for your sub-zone which the Kubizone Operator will automatically associate with the parent zone, if the delegation rules allow it:

kind: Zone
  name: subdomain-example-org
  # Fully qualified domain name (notice the trailing dot.)
  - records:
    - pattern: "*"


The Zone's .spec is made up of the following fields:

.spec.domainName string

Either a fully-qualified domain name such as (notice the trailing dot), or a partial domain name (the name is only a partial name, such as the dev in in which case the .spec.zoneRef field must be populated.

If using a fully qualified domain name, the Kubizone Operator will automatically attempt to deduce which parent Zone the record belongs to, favoring the longest matching parent domain name.

Regardless of the domain name type, the operator will respect the parent zone delegations.

Note that either .spec.zoneRef or a fully qualified .spec.domainName must be used.


a ZoneRef object has just two fields: and optionally .spec.zoneRef.namespace, and is used to refer to a zone by its kubernetes

If the zone exists within a different namespace than the one from which it is being referenced, the .spec.zoneRef.namespace field must also be specified.

Note that either .spec.zoneRef or a fully qualified .spec.domainName must be used.


List of rules by which records and sub-zones can be adopted by this zone.

Each rule is made up of the following optional fields:

  • records [RecordDelegation]: List of record delegations to allow.

    Each record delegation in turn has the fields:

    • types, a list of record types to delegate (A, CNAME, etc.)

    • pattern, a simple pattern for matching domain names.

      Allows wildcards * for matching entire domain name segments (the parts between dots) both at the beginning, middle and end of domain names.

      Can use @ as a short-hand for this Zone's fully qualified domain name, if it is subject to change or unknown at the time of creation.

  • zones: List of sub-zone FQDNs to allow delegation to.

    Allows wildcards * for matching entire domain name segments (the parts between dots) both at the beginning, middle and end of domain names.

    Can use @ as a short-hand for this Zone's fully qualified domain name, if it is subject to change or unknown at the time of creation.

  • namespace: Limit the above rules to a singular namespace.

.spec.ttl u32

Set a default Time-To-Live (TTL) value across the zone, which will be used if records don't specify one themselves.

Defaults to 360 seconds, to increase cache responsiveness.

.spec.refresh u32

Number of seconds after which secondary name servers should query the master for the SOA record, to detect zone changes.

Defaults to the recommendation for small and stable zones: 86400 seconds (24 hours).

.spec.retry u32

Number of seconds after which secondary name servers should retry to request the serial number from the master if the master does not respond.

It must be less than .spec.refresh.

Defaults to the recommendation for small and stable zones: 7200 seconds (2 hours).

.spec.expire u32

Number of seconds after which secondary name servers should stop answering request for this zone if the master does not respond.

This value must be bigger than the sum of .spec.refresh and .spec.retry.

Defaults to recommendation for small and stable zones: 3600000 seconds (1000 hours).

.spec.negativeResponseCache u32

Used in calculating the Time-To-Live (TTL) for purposes of negative caching.

Authoritative name servers take the smaller of the SOA TTL and this value to send as the SOA TTL in negative responses.

Resolvers use the resulting SOA TTL to understand for how long they are allowed to cache a negative response.

Recommendation for small and stable zones: 172800 seconds (2 days).

Defaults to a much lower value (360 seconds) to increase cache responsiveness and reduce failed lookups to records still being provisioned.


The Zone status contains the fully qualified domain name of the Zone, a composite list of all discovered child records and zones, as well as a hash value of these records, which can be used by downstream providers to easily detect changes.


Contains a composite list of all child records successfully adopted by this zone, any NS and related glue records (A and AAAA records) of sub-zones, as well as an SOA record for the zone, utilizing the variables defined in the .spec.

Each entry contains:

  • fqdn string
  • type string
  • class string
  • ttl u32
  • rdata string

Changes in immediate child records, as well as changes to NS and related glue records (A and AAAA records) of sub-zones causes the entries list to be re-populated.

.status.fqdn string

If the zone has been defined using a fully qualified domainName, then .status.fqdn will simply reflect the .spec.domainName.

If not, then the Kubizone Operator will automatically deduce the fully qualified domain name for the zone, by following and concatenating domain names of the parent zones as defined by the zoneRefs until a fully qualified domain name is constructed.

.status.hash string

contains a hash of the zone and its constituent parts, computed based on the .status.entries field.

Changes to the .status.entries list causes the hash to be recomputed.